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A Momentus® Discussion (continued)


supposition 2: The lighter the mass outside of the sensous sphere, the crisper the grip may become. In other words, there is a greater tolerance for firmness in a system experiencing less mass.

The answer is: The right side feels lighter, the left side feels heavier.


The right hand has only to mitigate the mass of the clubhead and shaft outside of it and the right hand is physically closer to the clubhead. Also, the right side is not underpinned in a gravitational kind of way. The right hand works on top of the movement and inside the line of force. The right side experiences less mass.

The left side must mitigate the full length of the shaft outside of it and is gravitationally underpinned. It works from below the movement and on the outside edge of the line of force. The left side experiences more mass.

When we put the two suppositions together we come up with the following axiom.

Axiom: The greater the mass outside of the sensous sphere the lighter the grip must be. The lesser the mass outside of the sensuous sphere the more assertive the grip must be.

Outcome: Since the right hand experiences less mass it should be firmer than the left hand while attending to the club head.

Harry Vardon wrote this one hundred years ago and yet today it is ignored. Even in his day the notion of the firm left hand was a popular misconception. He even expressed how confounded he was that this myth was perpetuated.

A reduction of tension in the left forearm and grip will prevent the left side from breaking down and allow the delicate and crisp right fingers to pluck it fully from the True Center. The weightiness of the left side mass is enough to guarantee connection. There is no need to tense the left. Let it cooperate. When it does the signal from the vital metacenter to the center is allowed to circulate and perfect execution is at hand.

When the amateur says "firm left grip and straight left arm", he is ultimatlely saying destroy connection through tension and keep the left arm brittle and easily breakable. Both are disasterous! The left arm should be like slightly undercooked linguini and not like linguini coming out of a box! Firmness and tension lead to brittleness. That's bad! Relaxation of the left arm and grip leads to suppleness of the leading force edge. That's good, very good!

Think of the left side as dumb and having more stupidity than the blade of a sword. Think of the right hand as smart and full of the wits to wield the blade. A good waggle will reveal that the mass of the left side is enough to service the blow and for it to remain stupid is an act of brilliance. Practice the Spalding Triangle. Put into phase the right hand and left shoulder with the navel and all will be well. See Upper Body Composture

It's funny that the whole development of the golf glove industry is based on the false notion of the necessity for a firm left hand. The need to protect the left hand from itself is like placing a bandage on a disease. If you are gaining the correct upper body composture the need for a golf glove will lessen over time. Look forward to the day when you become glove free ;~!

How does The Golden Swing Thing™ fit into this?

Think of the literal golf club as the in-between of the Momentus® and The Golden Swing Thing™.

The Momentus helps to balance the hands by adding weight outside of the sensuous swing sphere. It attunes us to the bluntness of an object and the necessity to let it work.

In using The Golden Swing Thing™ we are essentially adding weight to the inside of the sensuous swing sphere. We accomplish this by extending the hands out along the length of the stick. Here we are balancing the hands by connecting them to the Center of the swing. Adding weight to the inside of the sensuous swing sphere makes it all the more difficult to get the pendulum to move with stability. However, once we do understand how to move the pendulum in a stable fashion, moving the club head should seem like nothing special at all.

The Momentus® then trains from the hands outward. The Golden Swing Thing™ trains from the hands inward.

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