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Lucas ratios and reciprocals
ratios Lucas
1/ 1.0 1/ 1.0
1 1
1/ 0.3333333333333 3/ 3.
3 1
3/ 0.75 4/ 1.3333333333333
4 3
4/ 0.5714285714286 7/ 1.75
7 4
7/ 0.6363636363636 11/ 1.5714285714286
11 7
11/ 0.6111111111111 18/ 1.6363636363636
18 11
18/ 0.6206896551724 29/ 1.6111111111111
29 18
29/ 0.6170212765957 47/ 1.6206896551724
47 29
47/ 0.6184210526316 76/ 1.6170212765957
76 47
76/ 0.6178861788618 123/ 1.6184210526316
123 76
123/ 0.6180904522613 199/ 1.6178861788618
199 123
199/ 0.6180124223602 322/ 1.6180904522613
322 199
322/ 0.6180422264875 521/ 1.6180124223602
521 322
521/ 0.6180308422301 843/ 1.6180422264875
843 521
843/ 0.6180351906158 1364/ 1.6180308422301
1364 843
1364/ 0.6180335296783 2207/ 1.6180351906158
2207 1364
2207/ 0.6180341640997 3571/ 1.6180335296783
3571 2207
3571/ 0.6180339217722 5778/ 1.6180341640997
5778 3571
5778/ 0.6180340143331 9349/ 1.6180339217722
9349 5778
9349/ 0.6180339789780 15127/ 1.6180340143331
15127 9349
15127/ 0.6180339924824 24476/ 1.6180339789780
24476 15127
24476/ 0.6180339873242 39603/ 1.6180339924824
39603 24476
39603/ 0.6180339892945 64079/ 1.6180339873242
64079 39603
64079/ 0.6180339885419 103682/ 1.6180339892945
103682 64079
103682/ 0.6180339888293 167761/ 1.6180339885419
167761 103682
167761/ 0.6180339887195 271443/ 1.6180339888293
271443 167761
271443/ 0.6180339887615 439204/ 1.6180339887195
439204 271443
439204/ 0.6180339887455 710647/ 1.6180339887615
710647 439204
710647/ 0.6180339887516 1149851/ 1.6180339887455
1149851 710647
1149851/ 0.6180339887492 1860498/ 1.6180339887516
1860498 1149851
1860498/ 0.6180339887501 3010349/ 1.6180339887492
3010349 1860498
The above are the golden numbers winding along the self-refining path. All additive series collect on the spiral. The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers are simply the most direct manifestations of the spiral. This is the esoteric knowledge of phi as displayed in the pyramid of Giza. The spiral manifests itself in a multitude of natural phenomenon. Some examples are: Spiral galaxies, the arrangement of sunflower seeds, the phylotaxis of plants leaves, reproductive rates of rabbits, hurricanes, the double helix of human DNA, fossilized ammonites, pinecones, the dying poinsettia leaf, etc.

It is this authors belief that all mass in motion, as the subject of time, tends to manifest itself as a refining curve. This is the "how" of balancing the center of swing with the periphery of swing. This does not explain "orbit" per se; it explains the movement from non-orbit to orbit.

Fibonacci and Lucas side by side
Fibonacci with reciprocals
True Gravity Numbers

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