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In this example we use digits from the year 1997 to generate our starting numbers.

A = 19

B = 97

You can use any two numbers and still generate the same answers at the bottom of the page

A + B = C
19 + 97 = 116
B + C = D
97 + 116 = 213
C + D = E
116 + 213 = 329
D + E = F
213 + 329 = 542
E + F = G
329 + 542 = 871
F + G = H
542 + 871 = 1413
G + H = I
871 + 1413 = 2284
H + I = J
1413 + 2284 = 3697  
I + J = K  
2284 + 3697 = 5981  
J + K = L  
3697 + 5981 = 9678  
K + L = and so on  
K ÷ L = approaching
5981 ÷ 9678 = 0.61799 approaches from below
L ÷ K = approaching
9678 ÷ 5981 = 1.61812 approaches from above
If you now take the addition to the next iteration you will see that the approaches flip flop their directions.
L ÷ M = approaching
9687 ÷ 15659 = 0.61862 approaches from above
M ÷ L = approaching
15659 ÷ 9678 = 1.61799 approaches from below
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Links to Golden Proportion resources on the web
Mathsoft---mathematical proofs

University of Surrey---great starting place---good background on Fibonacci

mathematical proofs with graphics

Dan Witter-Sacred Geometry---this site is way, way out there on the cosmic fringe.

Fibonacci's   rabbit formula

These are just a few links about the Golden Proportion and it's incredible power in all of nature. Next time you look at a pine cone, a seashell or a satellite picture of an hurricane you make find yourself looking again. Even watching water spiral down the kitchen sink takes on a new meaning.

View the Ten Actions

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