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Viewer Mail--Op Ed

I don't know what the big secret is. If you go to hotbot.com and look up "The Secret of the Waggle" it will take you directly to the secret article. Why make everyone fumble about to find it?


I know that Hot Bot has spidered my web fairly well and that the article is not hard to find. But if a person makes the effort to find the article then it can only lead me believe that the person doing the looking has the glimmer that I may have something important to say or that the article in question is at least interesting. So, since you made it this deep into the Op Ed section, I'll give it away here. The secret link is on the bullseye of the dartboard.

The secret link occupies a logical spot. This site, if you haven't figured it out yet, is all about finding True Center and True Gravity. Bullseye!

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